Monday, August 6, 2012


For the most part, I really love the SyFy Channel. I even remember back when it was the SciFi channel, instead of today's Siffee (who decided to change it to SyFy?? I mean, c'mon people). They had these really cool bumpers with fantastic images that either came from or became everyday things, and then the word iF would come up and turn into the SciFi logo...SO cool. They have a little too much ghost hunting for my taste, but that is really my only negative feedback for this channel.

Even the SyFy Original Movies make me love it all the more. SyFy is the channel if you want awful special effects, campy acting and a not-quite-there script - it is the ultimate trash tv for a science fiction nerd. Dinocroc vs. Supergator, Frankenfish, Anonymous Rex... I'm not making this up, these are actual movies that they have made. (Wikipedia has a full list if you don't believe me.) There's even one called Bats: Human Harvest. It seriously does not get any better than the SyFy channel B movie selection, it's just junk food for your brain.

Another thing I love about the SyFy channel is their (usually) better quality miniseries. The full series they produce are usually pretty good - I was addicted to Eureka and have plans to watch Warehouse 13 - but every once in a while they come out with a brilliant miniseries. The first one I remember getting attached to was in December 2002; Steven Spielberg's Taken. Over ten episodes (each lasting an average of an hour and half, or two hours with commercials), five decades and four generations, we follow three families (the Keys, Crawfords and Clarkes) as each family member must deal with the repercussions of a genetic experiment aliens are trying to conduct with the Keys and Clarkes. It all culminates in the birth of Allie Keys, whose biology holds some genetic key the aliens want. I found myself attached to each and every generation, even though I knew they were going to get old and pass away before the series was over. They even made me care about the Crawford family, who are the antagonists! It's Steven Spielberg, so it's no surprise, but this is such a well-made miniseries that I have been searching for an affordable copy for a decade now.

Two more miniseries I fell in love with were both directed by Nick Willing; Tin Man (2007) and Alice (2009). I have not had a chance to see his miniseries Neverland (2011) yet, but I hope to soon. Tin Man is a modern take on The Wizard of Oz and stars Zooey Deschanel in the Dorothy role. Although it is beautifully shot, well written, and well acted, I have to admit I have not seen it as often as I have Alice.
 Alice is a modern take on Alice in Wonderland. It is set one hundred and fifty years after "Alice of Legend" came to Wonderland and caused the upset with the Queen of Hearts. In that time, the Hatter has started running a Tea Shop (think investment trading for emotions) and the Queen of Hearts owns the Hearts Casino where human people are kept in a catatonic state and sapped of their emotions, which are very valuable to natives of Wonderland. The Queen has basically created a supply-and-demand economy for instant gratification. It has a semi-complicated plot with hidden identities, political intrigue, and legends becoming truth so I'm not gonna go too deeply into it, but suffice it to say it is an excellent miniseries and well worth the three hours it takes to watch completely.
Like I said before, I have not yet seen Neverland, but it is a four hour interpretation of Peter Pan and I am rather excited to finally sit down and watch it.

So, although SyFy has it's flaws (how many ghost hunting shows do there need to be?? I mean, honestly....) overall it is an awesome channel with programming for pretty much any taste. I recommend looking into it.


  1. And here I thought you were going to give a shout out to "Jack Frost". And I don't mean that dreck that Michael Keaton put out. I'm talking about the little known and unfairly discounted flick from the year before.

  2. I picked the ones with crazy titles for dramatic effect, but that doesn't make the others any less awesome
