Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Shout-Outs & GBPPs

So, my Princesses entry yesterday sparked some debate on Facebook, which is cool, but I did not mean to upset anyone. To those who have been posting about it - A) thank you for reading!! You may have started reading because it was about the Disney Princesses, but if you're reading this right now it's because you saw something you liked, and I appreciate you coming back! B) I acknowledge your points, and may be writing another post about them to address your concerns.
Having said that, I'm hoping this entry will be a little less controversial, even though I am once again choosing two favorite characters. This time, they are in the Marvel and DC Universes.

I have three biosiblings, so while we were growing up our parents started this concept of  "claiming" characters - I'm pretty sure that's what we titled it, I feel like my Mom would not call it that - so that it was easier to buy toys and stuff for us. For example, in the Hello Kitty world, I got Pochacco,  my sister got Hello Kitty (and Spottie Dottie sometimes...she was way more into Sanrio than the rest of us so she claimed more), one of my brothers got Badtz Maru, and the other brother got Keroppi. Of course, then Pochacco disappeared from the Japanese store in our mall when it shifted from being purely Sanrio...but that's not the focus of this entry. I just wanted to explain the concept of "claiming" because it has followed me into my adult life...I tend to choose one or two characters and focus my paraphernalia on them.

In DC and Marvel, "my" characters are Batman and Iron Man - the genius billionaire playboy philanthropists (yes I just quoted The Avengers). As loyal as I am to Marvel as a whole, I have to admit that, of the two, I prefer Batman. Anyone who has gone into Spencer's or Hot Topic with me will know this first hand - I tend to immediately gravitate to the Batman stuff. They are my favorite characters because they are not enhanced in any way - they are just poor little rich boys who have a lot of money, tons of cool toys, and a moral obligation to do the right thing. Even Steve Rogers had chemical enhancements before he became Captain America (granted, he voluntarily went into the procedure, and he was chosen because he was an exceptionally good guy, but still - he didn't become the superhero until he had enhancements).
Batman and Iron Man are two superheroes who could possibly exist in the real world, and I honestly kinda really wish they would.


  1. Well, you're right, I wouldn't call it that, lol. I'd like to think it was more that we were following and encouraging (for better or worse) your own natural inclinations. As for the Hello Kitty example (yes, I know you just pulled that one out and didn't mean for it to be the umbrella analogy), you two fought like such animals that I *couldn't* let you two "like" the same character! There'd never be any peace!

    But to be fair, Sam liked the princesses too, but she never really was given much along those lines. She liked Pooh so we just kinda went that way with it. The beauty in all of this for me was that I love Disney AND Hello Kitty. So I was good!

    1. I do remember Pooh kinda being "her" thing (even though I kind of claimed Tigger) while I feel like the Princesses were both of ours...we kind of both got stuff from all of them
