Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Are you there, Agnes?

I believe in ghosts.
The university I went to for four years has a resident ghost named Agnes who provides plenty of stories with which to scare freshmen. The story goes that she was a student in the 1930s who was in love with a professor, had her heart broken, and hung herself in Pearce Auditorium. Details of the story differ, but my favorite is that it was her piano teacher, who claimed to be in love with her as well. Then, one day, a different professor was assigned to her class for a couple weeks. When Agnes asked what happened to the professor she had been seeing, she was told he was on his honeymoon. That night she went to the auditorium in which she performed her piano recitals and hung herself.
Agnes is usually dormant during the day, but gets very testy after 11pm - only the most brave/cynical enter Pearce late at night. Unfortunately, Pearce is in a building which is attached to quite a few dormitories, as well as the dining hall. Bailey Hall is the dormitory directly above Pearce, but Yonah, Yonah 2 and Wilkes are attached next to Pearce and Bailey. I never lived in Bailey, but I spent a year in Yonah, half a year in Wilkes and a year in Yonah 2. Because Wilkes is the furthest from Pearce, I did not have any encounters with Agnes during that semester, but Yonah gave me stories. Yonah 2 really only had bad vibes; I did not have any specific experience with Agnes, but there was definitely something off with that hall. My best stories are from freshman year in Yonah Hall. The two that stand out the most happened to my hall mates and now very good friends Alex (who was actually my suite mate) and Lindsay.

Alex's roommate, Rita, was the first one to notice something. Alex was in their walk-in closet talking to her boyfriend and Rita was on her bed. Rita heard Alex call her name, so she stuck her head into the closet to see what was up. Alex hadn't said anything, so Rita shrugged it off. Later that night, Alex came through the adjoining bathroom and asked what I needed. Turns out she had heard me calling her name, even though I hadn't spoken.
If that isn't spooky enough, a few weeks later, Lindsay and I came back from our friend Ryan's apartment late at night. We went to our respective rooms and I went to bed. She also tried to go to bed, but heard a voice in the main entry downstairs. She tried to ignore it, so the voice got louder and she could distinguish that it was Ryan calling her name over and over. She thought Ryan had followed us home, so she went down the stairs to let him up (especially since, by this point, he sounded very annoyed and aggravated). As she walked, the voice got louder and louder until it stopped when she was halfway down the stairs. She opened the door to the main entry, and no one was there. She looked around for a minute to make sure he wasn't playing a prank, then went upstairs. Once she got back in her room, the voice started up again. This time she called Ryan, and he assured her that he was still at his apartment - he even had all the people in his living room yell toward the phone so she could hear them. He also insisted he could not hear the loud voice still calling her name. She tried to keep him on the phone, since her roommate was still and asleep and the knowledge that someone could hear her was comforting, but eventually he had to hang up....and the voice was still yelling at her.
After this, my knowledge gets kind of fuzzy, but either the voice simply stopped calling her, or she finally fell asleep and by the time she woke up it had stopped.

These women are two people whose opinion I trust; they are not the type of people to make something like this up just for the hell of it. So ghosts exist. I have other personal stories, but I'll save those for a later entry.
Sleep tight!

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