I'm not very good at posting content on this blog (though I'm sure that statement does not shock you at all). A lot of the time, I have not posted because "I can't think of anything," "I don't have enough material" or "my material isn't good enough." I am a believer of Quality Over Quantity, and this is not a decision to go against that policy.
Not really, anyway.
I still believe in that saying, but I also believe in this blog, and want to succeed in doing what I enjoy (like, say, my Nerdy FanGirl projects - including this one). And everything I have learned about writing has told me that no matter what, I have to actually write. Imagine that! In order to be a good and successful writer, I have to write. Seems so simple, until you try to do it. The same excuses as before will pop up; no material, not enough material, crappy material.
So, to get over the hump and maybe actually do what I want, I will be posting as much as possible - whenever I have a chance, I will be posting something. I'm not promising they will all be good. In fact, I'm fairly sure many of them will be complete crap. But my hope is that the more I write the better they will get.
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